Admissions and Enrollment

April 11, 2013

Admissions and Enrollment

Admissions Process

The admissions to the Master Programs of the SPbSU is today centralized. All the information is here:

Application for Master programs in St.Petersburg State University is conducted online via a centralized system called Personal Account (‘Lichny Cabinet’).

A Russian resident applying for the Program should create a personal account and submit documents at:

A non-Russian resident should consult advanced information at: citizens/admissions-of-foreign-citizens, but the link to Personal Account above is also relevant.

Dates of admissions exam sessions will fall within the following time slots:

May 6 – 28, 2013

June 17 – 28, 2013

Please follow the news!

Competition of Portfolios

The actual exam process will consist of the competition based on your portfolio. Here's the link to its description and criteria of assessment - still in Russian, but the English version will appear by Tuesday, April 16:

This, in fact, means that you do not need to come to Russia to pass admissions exams! :)

The list of documents necessary for admission

Please consult the SPbSU website, as they list all the necessary information there:

For Russian citizens:

For non-Russian residents:

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