2017. Media Transformations in Times of Technological Boom and Political Polarization

June 08, 2022

Comparative Media Studies in Today’s World: Media Transformations in Times of Technological Boom and Political Polarization

Untitled In 2017, the conference is dedicated to analysing political and technilogical transformations of media systems in comparative perspective. Keynote speakers include Katrin Voltmer (UK), Silvio Waisbord (USA), Vaclav Stetka (UK) and Elena Vartanova (Russia). The conference includes a plenary podium discussion, two round tables, three keynote speeches, and six panels for academic presentations.

The conference is supported by U.S. Consulate General in Saint Petersburg, Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Russia, and Center for German and European Studies (St.Petersburg State Univertsity). Several events are included into the program of the German Week in St.Petersburg of 2017.

April 11, 2017

Room 603

3 – 5 pm – Registration

5 – 7 pm – Within the German Week in St.Petersburg: Workshop round table

<b>Political Polarization and Professional Journalistic Practices in Germany and Russia</b>


Katrin Voltmer, University of Leeds, UK

Meike Duelffer, Die Zeit Online, Germany

Dennis Lichtenstein, Zeppelin University, Germany

Jens Hildebrandt, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Germany – Russia

Svetlana Bodrunova, St.Petersburg State University, Russia

Valery Nechay, Echo of St.Petersburg, Russia

Mikhail Tyurkin, St.Petersburg State University, Russia

Moderator: Anna Litvinenko, Free University of Berlin, Germany – St.Petersburg State University, Russia

April 12, 2017

Rooms 603 and 302

9 – 9.30 am – Registration

9.30 – 9.45 – Welcome speeches

9.45 – 11.00 am – Plenary podium discussion

Media Transformations Across Cultures: Empowerment of People?


Silvio Waisbord, George Washington University, USA

Huang Yu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China

Katrin Voltmer, University of Leeds, UK

Kaarle Nordenstreng, University of Tampere, Finland

Moderator: Svetlana Bodrunova, St.Petersburg State University, Russia

11 – 11.30 am – Coffee break (Room 604)

11.30 am – 1 pm

Keynote speeches

Silvio Waisbord, George Washington University, USA

Are all populisms comparable? Insights from comparative media and communication studies

Elena Vartanova, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Media transformations and path dependency: Limitations of transitional approaches

1 – 2 pm – Lunch break

2 – 3 pm – Parallel panels

Panel 1. Theoretical approaches to comparative media analysis – Room 603

Tobias Eberwein, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria

Transformations of media self-regulation – a comparative view

Gal Ariely, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Measurement equivalence in cross-national communication studies

Jan Miessler, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China

Comparative media research in the age of global complexity

Panel chair: Kaarle Nordenstreng, Finland

Panel 2. Political polarization and political coverage – Room 302

Dennis Lichtenstein, Zeppelin University, Germany

Framing the Ukraine Crisis: A Comparison between Talk Show Debates in Russian and German TV

Olessia Koltsova, Sergey Pashakhin, National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Russia

The Representation of Ukrainian Crisis in News: Frame Analysis with Topic Modelling

Alexander Lutsenko, LIER-IMM-EHESS, France

Interviewing Styles on State-Controlled and Non-State-Controlled Channels in Russia: Disparity or Interdependence?

Panel Chair: Anna Litvinenko, Germany – Russia

3 – 4 pm – Parallel panels

Panel 3. Today’s comparative research on social media content – Room 603

Anna Litvinenko, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Mapping Comment Sections of News Websites across Post-Soviet World

Svetlana Bodrunova, St.Petersburg State University, Russia

Secondary gatekeeping in action: affiliation-based patterns of content sharing during inter-ethnic conflicts in Germany, the USA, and Russia

Elena Arbatskaya, Tyumen State University, Russia

Media coverage of feminist hashtag campaigns #Neboyusskazat (#Iamnotafraidtosay) and #Notokey cases

Panel chair: Ilya Bykov, Russia

Panel 4. National cases in research on social media – Room 302

Abeyami Ortega-Dominguez, Loughborough University, UK

#WeWantOurselvesAlive: The 2016 Women’s March and the transformations of visual citizenship in neoliberal Mexico. A comparative recount across media

Anna Smoliarova, St.Petersburg State University, Russia

Márton Bene, Gabriella Szabó, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary

Bonded by interactions: polarizing factors and integrative capacities of the media. The case of Hungary

Panel chair: Yulia Taranova, Russia

4 – 4.45 pm

Keynote speech

Vaclav Stetka, Loughborough University, UK Social media, alt-news and the future of democracy in Central and Eastern Europe

4.45 – 5 pm – Coffee break (Room 604)

5 – 6.30 pm – Round table

25 years after communism: Central and Eastern European media and journalism in multi-directional transitions


Monika Wichłacz, University of Wroclaw, Poland

Marzena Cichosz, University of Wroclaw, Poland

Vaclav Stetka, Loughborough University, UK

Elena Vartanova, Lomonosov Mosocw State University, Russia

Elena Georgieva, St.Petersburg State University, Russia

Moderator: Svetlana Bodrunova, St.Petersburg State University, Russia

April 13, 2017

Room 603

10 – 12 am – Plenary session, 56th 'Media in the Modern World' Annual Forum

The Neva Award ceremony

Plenary keynotes, including:

Katrin Voltmer, University of Leeds, UK

Changing media, changing politics: Mediatization and the transformation of political power

12 – 12.30 am – Coffee break

12.30 am – 1.30 pm – Panel 5. Professional roles and identities of Russian journalists

Kamilla Nigmatullina, St.Petersburg State University, Russia

Professional roles and tech innovations in today’s Russian journalism

Sergey Davydov, Olga Logunova, National Research University – Higher School of Economics

Journalists’ professional roles in Russia

Natalia Avdonina, Northern Arctic Federal University

Journalism Education in the Time of Transition: How to Build Journalists’ Professional Identity?

Panel chair: Marina Berezhnaya, Russia

1.30 – 2.30 pm – Panel 6. Media within power environments

Ilya Yablokov, University of Leeds, UK

Power Lost and Freedom Relinquished: Russian Journalists Assessing the First Post-Soviet Decade

Ilya Bykov, Ludmila V. Balahonskaya, St.Petersburg State University, Russia

Types and Levels of Verbal Aggression in Political Blogs: A Case of the Echo of Moscow

Tamara Gromova, St.Petersburg State University, Russia

The role of media in innovations advancement in Russian and Northern European countries media environment

Panel chair: Anna Smoliarova, Russia

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