2013. East meets West

April 06, 2017

International conference «Comparative Media Studies in Today’s World: East meets West»
Working language: English
April 17, 2013


School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Saint Petersburg State University, invites you to take part in the English-language pre-conference to our 52nd International conference “Mass Media In The Modern World”. The pre-conference will focus on comparative media studies and in particular on the challenges in analyzing the media systems of transitive democracies such as Russia.

The conference is held in cooperation with German House of Science in Innovation in Moscow, Centre for Germany and European Studies, Consulate Generale of the Federal Republic of Germany in St. Petersburg and French Insitute.

Here you can find the program of our English-speaking pre-conference on 17th April and also the link to the program of the conference in Russian. We would like to draw your attention to the German-speaking discussion (with simultaneous translation into Russian) on new media and politics in the frame of the conference on 18th April.


09.00 – 09.30 – Registration

09.30 – 10.00 – Welcome speeches

Anatoly Puyu, Director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St.Petersburg State University
Representatives of the St.Petersburg State University, Consulate General of Germany, German House of Science and Innovation and other involved agencies

10.00 – 11.30 – Podium discussion ‘Comparing Media Systems in Internet times: towards a generally applicable methodology?’

Paolo Mancini (University of Perugia, Italy), KatrinVoltmer (University of Leeds, UK), Elena Vartanova (Moscow State University, Russia) Sergey Korkonosenko (St.Petersburg State University, Russia)

Moderation: Svetlana Bodrunova, St.Petersburg State University, Russia

11.30 – 12.00 – Coffee break

12.00 – 13.00 – Panel 1 ‘Explaining and Widening Comparative Media Research’

Paolo Mancini (University of Perugia, Italy) Introduction to the panel

KatrinVoltmer (University of Leeds, UK) Mediated transitions and hybrid regimes: Democratisation in the digital age

Horst Poettker (University of Dortmund, Germany) Public Opinion and Social Control: A Classic Media Theory and its Methodological Preconditions/Implications for Democracy in East and West

Steffen Burkhardt (University of Hamburg, Germany) Media Scandals: A Comparative Research Perspective

Moderation: Sergey Korkonosenko, St.Petersburg State University

13.00 – 13.10 – Break

13.10 – 13.30 – Book presentations

KatrinVoltmer ‘The Media in Transitional Democracies (Contemporary Political Communication)’, John Wiley & Sons, 2013

Anatoly Puyu & Svetlana Bodrunova (eds) ‘Mediacracy: Modern Theories and Practices’, SPbSU Press, 2013

13.30 – 14.30 – Panel 2 ‘Results of Current Comparative Research Projects’

Dmitry Gavra (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) BRICS countries media systems: methodology of comparative study for the 2012-2015 combined research project

Jean-Jacques Cheval (Bordeaux University, France) Necessity of international researches for radio studies: experience of IREN network and beyond

Svetlana Bodrunova (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) Empirical comparative research in media and politics: ‘Mapping Mediacracies’ project

Swenja Kopp (Hamburg University, Germany), Journalism in hybrid regimes in sub-Saharan Africa. Comparing the cases of Kenya, Malawi and Zambia

Moderation: Anna Litvinenko, St.Petersburg State University

14.30 – 15.30 – Dinner

15.30 – 17.00 – Panel 3 ‘Researching Upon the Russian Media System in New Social Circumstances: Methods and Findings’

Elena Vartanova (Moscow State University, Russia) The Russian media model in post-Soviet context

Florian Toepfl (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK) Researching New Media Audiences in a Hybrid Regime: How Young Russians Decode State TV and Oppositional Blogs

Svetlana Bodrunova & Anna Litvinenko (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) Russian hybrid media system: Mechanism of online-to-offline spill-over on the example of the ‘For fair elections’ movement

Dmitry Gavra (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) Russian journalists’ professional cultures: the first findings from the BRICS countries media research project

Olessia Koltsova (National Research University – Higher School of economics in St.Petersburg, Laboratory for Internet Studies (LINIS)) Social Media and the Rise of Protest Movements: Lessons from Russia in a Globalized World

Moderation: Marina Berezhnaya, St.Petersburg State University


Svetlana Bodrunova spasibo-tebe@yandex.ru
Anna Litvinenko litvinanna@mail.ru
Anna Smolyarova anna.smolyarova@gmail.com

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