GURUSHKIN Pavel Yuryevich
August 14, 2014
Associate Professor, Candidate of Political Sciences
Was born in 1983 in Leningrad.
Received his higher education at the Herzen State Pedagogical University. The specialty is political science. Entered graduate school and successfully defended his thesis, receiving the degree of Candidate of Political Sciences in 2009 (specialty 23.00.02 Political institutions, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies).
During his studies, managed to take part in election campaigns at all levels (from municipal to presidential) as a head of mass organizational, campaign and advertising directions and a consultant. In parallel, successfully completed short-term training and final certification under the program "Member of the precinct election commission" and "Election Observer".
In 2005, became a co-executor of the analytical project "What many people know but don't say out loud" about the features of commissioned articles in the St. Petersburg press.
From January to August 2010, he held the position of "Responsible for working with enterprises" at Energia Progressive Communications CJSC.
Since September 2010 – Senior lecturer at the Department of Mass Communications Management, since 2017 - Associate Professor.
Since the spring of 2012 – Head of the Department, Executive Secretary of the Commission for the admission of documents for the main educational programs of the Master's degree.
From 2016 to 2017, served as the head of the Department of Mass Communications Management.
Since 2021, has been the head of the Master's degree program "Media Communications".
Chairman of the Trade Union Bureau of the Institute "Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications" of St. Petersburg State University.
Deputy Chairman of the Qualification Personnel Commission of the Institute "Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications" of St. Petersburg State University.
Tutor of the program "Advertising and public relations".
Permanent participant of international conferences (Russia, USA, South Africa, Cuba, Italy).
Main research interests:
Negotiations, modern political process, electoral processes, conflictology, political culture, interpersonal and business communications, human resources, etc.
Research areas:
Marketing and marketing research.
The negotiation process. Business communication and protocol features.
Subjects taught
Communication technologies, marketing and marketing research in public relations, interpersonal and business communications, fundamentals of communication theory, situational analysis in PR, etc.
Data on professional development and (or) professional retraining
2006 internship at the Northwestern Academy of Public Administration, Election Observer program
2014 additional professional educational program "Public relations in public authorities"
2018 professional retraining in the course "Education and pedagogy" qualification "Teacher in the field of international relations"
2019 additional professional educational program "Business communication (conflict management, business negotiations, business etiquette and protocol)".
Publications (selective list):
Gurushkin P. Y. Mediatization of the conflict around Brexit //The world of science, culture, and education. – 2021. – №. 1 (86). – Pp. 356-358 Network wars in post-industrial society. St. Petersburg, 2021
Gurushkin P. Yu., Sandrachuk Ya. F. Mediatization as a global process of socio-political change //Ethnosocium and interethnic culture. - 2020. – No. 4. – pp. 57-69. Interpersonal and business communication. St. Petersburg, 2011 (co-author)
Gurushkin P. Y., Lysenko I. S. The concept of "efficiency" in the management of the negotiation process //conflictology. – 2019. – vol. 14. – No. 3. – pp. 19-32.
Consultation hours:
Tuesday 12:00 - 14:00
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