February 15, 2011

PhD in Political Studies, Associate Professor

In 2007 Sergey Nikonov received the prize of the Fund of Development of National Education “Best scientific book Award-2006” for his monograph “Globalization and Media”.

Research Areas and Interests



    Globalization processes

    The media influence on the formation of international relations

Teaching responsibilities

    International law and the media law of foreign states

    Geopolitical problems of media practices

    International standards of information law and professional journalists’ ethics

Selected professional experience

    In 2008 defended a PhD dissertation “Global information space and international legal aspects of the information flows management”.

    Since 1995 Assistant Professor at the Department of International Journalism, St.Petersburg State University

    Since 1995 is employed as a lawyer.

Selected publications


1.    International Law and media law of foreign states (with prof. S.A. Mikhailov), Saint Petersburg State University Press, 2012. 150 p.

2.    Noopolitics as global information strategy. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8 66121, Saarbrücken, Germany.

3.    Legal and geopolitical problems of the media functioning. Saint-Petersburg, Rosa Mira, 2010. 174 p.


1.    The Taiwan issue in the mass media of the Fujian Province. / Lisha, Fu; Safonova, Olga D .; Nikonov, Sergey; Labush, Nikolai; Zhao, Yonghua. in: Revista inclusiones, Volume 7, Especial, 01.2020, pp. 372-385.Research results: Scientific publications in periodicals ›article

2.    Methods of political planning and forecasting in an information strategy. / Nikonov, Sergey; Lukin, Stanislav; Danilova, Julia; Georgieva, Elena; Turkin, Michael. in: The Information Age (online edition), Volume 3, No. 4 (9), 09/30/2019, pp. 31-40. Research results: Scientific publications in periodicals ›article

3.    CHANGING WORLD ECONOMY AND COUNTERMEASURES: Review of a scientific article by Du Sh. / Nikonov, Sergey Borisovich. in: CENTURY OF INFORMATION (online edition), Volume 3, No. 2 (7), 2019, pp. 91-100. Research results: Scientific publications in periodicals ›article

4.    COMMUNICATIVE DISCOURSE OF TERMINOLOGY USED IN GASTRONOMICAL MEDIA CULTURE. / Sedykh, Arkadiy Petrovich; Lukin, Stanislav Sergeevich; Georgieva, Elena Savova; Puiu, Iuliia Valerievna; Nikonov, Sergey Borisovich. in: Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, Volume 7, No. 6, 2019, pp. 773-779. Research results: Scientific publications in periodicals ›article

5.    “One Belt, One Road” in global governance: Paradoxes of the restructuring of the initiative. / Nikonov, Sergey Borisovich; Zhao, Yonghua; Kalinina, Natalia; Zhu, Xi. in: Amazonia Investiga, Volume 8, No. 21, 2019, pp. 602-609. Research results: Scientific publications in periodicals ›article

6.    Parameters of communication behavior and national language. / Nikonov, Sergey Borisovich; Zhao, Yonghua; Sedykh, Arkady Petrovich; Schukina, D.A .; Vorobyova, Olga Ivanovna. in: International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume 8, No. 4, 2019. Research results: Scientific publications in periodicals ›article

7.    Political movement vector or real noopolitics. / Nikonov, Sergey Borisovich; Belenkova, Tatyana Valerevna; Smetanina, Svetlana Ivanovna; Maryina, Lyudmila Petrovna; Letunovsky, Vladimir Petrovich. in: Age of Information (online edition), Volume 3, No. 3 (8), 9, 2019. Research results: Scientific publications in periodicals ›article

8.    TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF NAMING: Review of a scientific article. / Nikonov, Sergey Borisovich. in: CENTURY OF INFORMATION (online edition), Volume 3, No. (49), 2019, pp. 61-70. Research results: Scientific publications in periodicals ›article

9.    COMMUNICATION POLICY OF THE COMPANY TO STRENGTHEN REPUTATION IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE CRISIS: Review of the scientific Article Korenyushkina SI / Nikonov, Sergey Borisovich. in: CENTURY OF INFORMATION (online edition), Volume 3, No. 4 (9), 2019, pp. 21-30.Research results: Scientific publications in periodicals ›article

10.    PANAMA MEDIALSHAFT: Review of a scientific article. / Nikonov, Sergey Borisovich. in: CENTURY OF INFORMATION (online edition), Volume 3, No. 3 (8), 2019, pp. 121-130.Research results: Scientific publications in periodicals ›article

11.    Nikonov, S. B., Nebredovskaya, V. V., Gurushkin, P. Yu., Glinternik, E. M. & Puyu, Yu. V Political and Legal Aspects: Electoral Advertising., 2018, in: Opcion. Año 34, No. 85 (2018), p. 1891-1903

12.     Nikonov, S. B., Ivanishcheva, O. N., Gushchina, A. V., Shadrina, I. M. & Bolgova, E. V., Insult as a Linguistic and Legal Phenomenon 2018, in: International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE). 7, 4-38 (2018), pp. 216-219

13.     Nikonov, S. B., Puyu, A. S., Lukin, S. S., Labush, N. S. & Georgieva, E. S.Mediatization of Politics as an Element of Noopolitics, 2018, in: International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE). VOL 7, 3/15 (2018), pp. 296-300

14.     Nikonov, S. B. & Baychik, A. V "The role of the media of the Republic of Belarus in promoting the interests of the Belarusian state in the international arena"., 2018, in: THE WORLD OF SCIENCE, CULTURE, EDUCATION. No. 2 (69), pp. 46-52

15.     Nikonov, Sergey Borisovich; Baichik, Anna Vitalievna; Bakirova, Natalia Vladimirovna; Belenkova, Tatiana Valeryevna; Rubtsova, N.A Structural Models of the Consumer Goods Industry in China, Turkey and Italy (Analysis of Public Information).. in: European Research Studies Journal, Volume Volume XX,, No. Issue 4A, 12.2017, pp. 632-650.

16.    Nikonov, S , Labush, N .;.; Puiy, A .; Baichik, A .; Kurysheva, Iu.Mediatization of the political process; The nature and conditions of manifestation. / in: Man in India, No. 97 (07), 2017, pp. 143-153.

17.    Sergey B. Nikonov, Enesh K. Akhmatshina, MASS MEDIA, FREETHINKING AND CIVIC POSITION: ISLAMIC FEMINISM Man In India, 97 (07) : 1-12

18.    International journalism as a subject of noopolitics. / Labush, NS; Nikonov, Sergey Borisovich. International journalism-2017 idea of integration of integrations and media: Proceedings of VI Intern. scientific-practical. , Minsk, 16 February. 2017 / comp. B.L. Zalessky; under the Society. Ed. T.N. Dasayeva. - Minsk: Izd. center of the Belarusian State University, 2017. - 390 pp. Belarusian State University, 2017. стр. 202 -207.

19.    Sergey Borisovich Nikonov, Yulia Vladimirovna Kurysheva, Maria Olegovna Potolokova, Anna Sergeyevna Smoliarova, and Svetlana Il’inichna Korenyushkina EDITORIAL POLICY IN THE OPINION AGENDA-SETTING OF A GENERAL INTEREST NEWSPAPER // Man in India, 2016. — № No.96 (2016) Issue No :7 (2016). — P. 2381-2389.

20.    Nikonov S.B., Belenkova T.V., Smetanina S.I., Letunovskii V.P., Maryina L.P. The Choice of Paradigm of Political Game for Russia (Z. Brzezinski`s Chess or Xi Jinping`s Draughts) // Global Media Journal (USA), 2016. — Vol. special issue, — № S3:04. — P. 1-6.

21.    Sergey Borisovich Nikonov, Anna Vitalievna Baichik, Rikka Victorovna Zaprudina, Nikolai Sergeevich Labush, Anna Sergeevna Smolyarova Noopolitics and Information Network Systems // International Review of Management and Marketing, 2015. — Vol. Special Issue for "Media as the Tool: Management of Social Processes", — № 5(Special Issue). — P. 44-48.

22.     Nikonov Sergey Borisovich,Baichik Anna Vitalievna,Puiy Anatoli Stepanovich,Labush Nikolai Sergeevich Noopolitical aspect of political defamation // European Journal of Science and Theology, 2015. — Vol. 11, — № 5. — P. 265-275.

23.     Nikonov Sergey Borisovich,Bolshacov Sergey Nikolaevich,Puiy Yulia Valerievna, Bolchacova Yuliia Mikhailovna Cloud Technologies in the Promotion strategy of Integrated Communications // Asian Social Science, 2015. — Vol. 11, — № 19. — P. 8-14.

24.     Sergey Borisovich Nikonov, Anna Vitalievna Baichik, Anatoli Stepanovich Puiy, Nikolai Sergeevich Labush Noopolitical Aspect of Information Strategies of States // International Review of Management and Marketing, 2015. — Vol. Special Issue for "Media as the Tool: Management of Social Proc esses", — № 5(Special Issue). — P. 121-125.

25.    Iuliia Sokratovna Danilova, Anatoli Stepanovich Puiy, Sergey Borisovich Nikonov, Ruslan Viktorovich Bekurov, Anna Alexandrovna Litvinenko Problems of Ethno-social Representation in Media: Review of Theoretical Approach in XX-XXI Century // International Review of Management and Marketing, 2015. — Vol. Special Issue for "Media as the Tool: Management of Social Proc esses", — № 5(Special Issue). — P. 148-153.

26.    Nikolai Sergeevich Labush, Sergey Borisivich Nikonov, Anatoli Stepanovich Puiy, Elena Savova Georgieva, Ruslan Viktorovich Bekurov War and Armed Conflict in the Information Space // International Review of Management and Marketing, 2015. — Vol. 5, — № 1S. — P. 30-35.

27.    Nikonov SB Factor religious aspect to manipulate international processes // Humanitarian vector. Series: History, Political Science, 2015. - № 3 (43). - S. 109-114.

28.    Ruslan Viktorovich Bekurov, Yulia Vladimirovna Kurysheva, Anna Vitalievna Baichik, Nikolai Sergeevich Labush, Sergey Borisovich Nikonov Social Media in Sociopolitical Processes // International Review of Management and Marketing, 2015. — Vol. Special Issue for "Media as the Tool: Management of Social Proc esses", — № 5(Special Issue). — P. 137-141.

29.    Nikonov SB Melnik GS The media component of information security doctrine // Management Consulting, 2014. - № 1 (61). - S. 18-28.

30.    Nikonov SB Legal problems of journalist status // The mass media in the modern world. Petersburg read. EMA: North West: Newsletter №11 / under. Ed. LG Feschenko.-SPb. : St. Petersburg go.un-m "Executive wk Zh and mass communication....", 2014.-170 with. . - City of St. Petersburg, -. 2014. - P. 27-33

31.    Nikonov SB The role of the controlled flow of information in shaping noopolitic // European Journal of Social Sciences, 2014. - № 7-3 (46). - S. 624-629

32.    Nikonov SB The genesis of the transformation in mediacracy noopolitiku // AUTHORITY, 2014. - № 7. - pp 39-4215

33.    Nikonov SB Noopolitics aspect of the "Arab Spring" and the doctrine of information security // Russian geopolitics and security, 2014. - № 3 (27). - S. 93-96

34.    Nikonov SB mediatization policy confrontation information strategies // media in the modern world. Petersburg .: mater.52 read th Intern. nau. Conf. 17-19 April 2013 / comp. SG Korkonosenko. - St. Petersburg .: St. Petersburg University. state. Univ, Philology. Faculty. St. Petersburg State University. 2013 - 280 s, 2013. - pp. 195-19817.

35.    Sergey Borisovich Nikonov Information society in its function as an object ofdirected influence of noopolitics // World Applied Sciences Journal, 2013. — Vol. 27, — № 13(A). — P. 241-246

36.    见谢尔盖 • 尼科诺夫 (C • B • 尼科诺夫) 作为公共外交要素的国际新闻专业 International Journalism as an element of public diplomacy (in Chinese) // 载 "信息化社会与公共传播": 第八届 "21 世纪中俄大众传媒发展学术研讨会" 论文集, 2013. - S. 3-7

37.    Nikonov Sergey Borisovich Noopolitical Aspect of International Journalism // Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 2013. — Vol. 17, — № 1. — P. 21-25

38.    Nikonov Sergey Fridom,massmedia and "tortuous" democracy // China`s Road: Values and National Image — Shanhai, China, — 2013. — P. 114-120

39.    Nikonov Sergey Borisovich Noopolitics aspect of information security doctrine // European Journal of Social Sciences, 2013. - № 4 (32). - S. 558-565

40.    Baychik AV Kurysheva JV, Nikonov SB International standards of professional ethics of journalists .. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, 2012.

41.    Mikhailov SA, SB Nikonov international law and legislation of foreign states on the media: Textbook. allowance. SPb., St. Petersburg. state. Univ., Philology. Faculty, 2012. - 150 with .. - St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg. state. Univ, Philology. Faculty of 2012.

42.    Nikonov SB Noopolitika as a tool to promote economic interests of states // PEACE AND POLICY, 2012. - № 1.

43.    Noopolitics as an information strategy. / Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Series 9 2012 Issue 1, pp 207 - 213 (co-authored with A. Baychik). URL:

44.    Nikonov SB Sustained phenomenon of globalization // Modern science: actual problems of the theory and praktiki.Seriya: Humanities, 2012. - № 2. - S. 71-74

45.    Nikonov SB noopolitics and media // The new geopolitical realities and the media - of St. Petersburg - 2012. - P. 102-109

46.    Nikonov SB Noopolitics as an information strategy. - Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2012. - 160 S.29.

47.    Nikonov S.B. Noopolitics as a component part of a strategy of public conflict // European Journal of Social Sciences. 2012. №2 (18). S. 467 - 472. URL:

48.    Nikonov S.B. Political decisions as a basic component of international journalism // world and politics. June 2012. №06 (69). URL:

49.    Nikonov SB Freedom, media and democracy // International Journalism in 2011 - St. Petersburg - 2012. - S. 70-75

50.    Nikonov S.B. Global Information Space as an environment of peace and noopolitiki // policy. 2012. № 09 (72). URL:

51.    Nikonov S.B. The political transformation processes realpolitik // European Journal of Social Sciences. 2012. T. 2, № 11 (27). S. 284-289 (co-authored with Bekurov R.V.)

52.    Nikonov International Journalism as an element of public diplomacy 国际新闻业 - 公共外交之要素 // "China and the Russian media in the XXI century: The information society and social communication." - Beijing, China - 2012. - S. 15

53.    Nikonov SB Legislative regulation of the media Jordan // Modern foreign media in the context of globalization: Coll. Articles - city of St. Petersburg, -. 2011. - P. 84-9136.

54.    Nikonov S. B. Information Agency, as the subject of the formation of international relations (for example, news agencies «REGNUM») // world and politics. 2011. № 1 (52). S. 88 - 94. URL:

55.    Nikonov S.B. Political decisions as a basic component of international journalism // Humanities vector. 2011. №3 (27). URL:

56.    Nikonov SB Noopolitics as a tool to promote economic interests of states // European Journal of Social Sciences, 2011. - № 12 (15). - S. 481-487

57.    Nikonov SB Basic principles of covering geopolitical processes in Mass Media // Modern media in North Africa and the Middle East in the context of world development: a collection of articles by participants of the international roundtable on 21-23 April, 2011 - St. Petersburg, - 2011. - P. 34-43.

58.    Nikonov S.B. Television programs «Euronews» as an element noopolitiki // Scientific and practical journal "Modern science: actual problems of theory and practice." Series "Humanities". 2011. №1. S. 33 - 37. URL:

59.    Nikonov SB Legal and geopolitical problems of the functioning of the media. - St. Petersburg: Rose of the World, 2010. - 174 S.

60.    Nikonov S.B. Basic Principles on the media coverage of geopolitical processes // Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Series 9 2010 Issue 2, pp 204 - 209.

61.    Nikonov SB Jordan Media: current status and especially functioning // Sokolovsky read -2007: Collection of articles by participants of traditional scientific readings Department of St. Petersburg State University / international scientific journalism. red.A.S. Puiu, PY Rykovanov. - City of St. Petersburg State University - 2007. - S. 76-88

62.    Nikonov SB Globalization and the media. - St. Petersburg: Peace Rose, 2006. - 168 S.

63.    Nikonov SB, Mikhailov SA The principles of comparative and international law in regulating the flow of information states of different legal systems. - St. Petersburg: Peace Rose, 2000. - 104 S.

Read courses and workshops

"International law and the law of foreign countries on the media";

"Legal and geopolitical problems of media activities";

"International standards of information law and professional ethics of journalists";

"Vocational and creative studios." As part of the "professional creative studio" students gain experience of international contacts.

Interview with one of the leaders of the National Liberation Front of Algeria Sadeq Bogatayya

Interview with Mohamed Fadel Ali Salem, a representative of the Frente POLISARIO Rossii.http: //

Interview with international journalists Fethi Lemehannet (English)

Interviews with representatives of the Academy of Chinese Culture

Interview to Nurdan Akiner (Turkey) (in English)

Interview with Ambassador of South Ossetia

Interview with the Ambassador of Algeria (French version)

Interview with the Ambassador of the State of Palestine, Khaled Mustafa Abdel Minister of Culture and the State of Palestine Siham al-Barghouti

Interview with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Morocco in the Russian Federation and the Minister Abdelkader Lesheheba Urban Planning and Housing Urban Policy of Morocco Mohammed Nabil Ben Abdallah.

Interview with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Syrian Arab Republic in the Russian Federation, Riyad Haddad.


International scientific and practical forum “Scientific diplomacy of Eastern Eurasia: constructive cooperation in the interests of global and regional development” October 10-12, 2023. Vladivostok. Russia.

Participation in the International Conference “Military Journalism in the Modern World”. April 16, 2023. Lugansk, LPR, Russian Federation

Participation in the international scientific and practical conference "Digital International Relations 2022" on April 14-15 at MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Participation in the International Forum "Media and Digital Technologies before the Challenge of Information and Historical Falsification". November 22-23, 2021. Moscow

Participation in the negotiation process with the University. Aldo Moro, Bari (Italy). February 6-10, 2020.

VI Forum of Regions of Russia and Belarus. July 16-18, 2019 St. Petersburg. Parliamentary Center

VIII International Forum "Arctic: Present and Future". St. Petersburg, Russia, 12.5.2018-7.12.2018

14th biennial South African Association of Political Studies conference on 'Change and Continuity: Politics, Developmentand International Relations in Africa and the World' at the University of Pretoria. 1-3 October 2018

Institute of International Journalism. Cuba. Havana . November 2017

Argentina. Buenos Aires. 26-28/05/2017. XII Congress of the Federation of Latin American Journalists.

Minsk. Republic of Belarus. Belarusian State universitet.16 February 2017. Сonference "International Journalism-2017".

Internships in the United Nations. February 2017.

Participation in the international scientific-practical conference: "JOURNALISM EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MEDIA IN CHINA AND RUSSIA." Beijing. July 9, 2016

    What is Media? (2016) University of Oregon in Portlend. April 14-16, USA.

    Лос-Анджелес. США. 12 апреля 2016 год. Круглый стол "Модель ООН" Калифорнийский государственный университет Домингис Хилс.

     The Second Central Asia communication forum,29-31.05.2015 Urumqi, capital city of Xinjiang, China

    Новая Зеландия. Оклендский университет. Конференция Политических исследований Новой Зеландии. 1-3 декабря 2014 года / New Zealand Political Studies Association Conference. 1-3 December 2014.

    Ноополитический аспект «Арабской весны». Приглашенный доклад. Оксфордский университет Великобритания. 23-27 марта 2014 г.

    Суданско-Российские отношения. Конференция. Хартум (Дарфур). Судан.26-30.08.2013

     28-30.10.2013 Нигерия. Абуджа Конференция "последняя колония на африканском континенте"

Мировой форум по изучению Китая «Модернизация Китая: дорога и перспективы». 23-24 марта 2013 г. Шанхай Китай.

    8th Chinese-Russian Conference “Media in China and Russia in XXI century: information society and public communication”, 2012, China;

    The second international conference on the right of peoples to resistance: case of the Saharawi people, 2011;

    The international conference on the right of peoples to resistance, 2010, Algeria;

    35th European Conference of Coordination and Support to the Sahrawi People, 2009, Spain;

    34th European Conference of Coordination and Support to the Sahrawi People, 2008, Spain.

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