BYKOV Aleksey
February 19, 2011
PhD in Political Studies, Associate Professor
Research Areas and Interests
Mass media and policy in the USA;
Party and Political Journalism in the USA;
The interaction of the state and the mass media.
Teaching Responsibilities
Foreign Journalism History;
International Journalism: Theory and Practice;
Party and Political Journalism in Europe and USA;
Global Information: Democratic Experience.
Selected professional experience
2008 – 2010 Ural State University, Faculty of Journalism (Yekaterinburg, Russia); Chairman of TV and Radio Department.
2000 – 2008 Ural State University, Journalism Department (Yekaterinburg, Russia); Assistant Professor.
1994 – 2002 Ural State Broadcasting Company (Yekaterinburg, Russia); Commentator of the Radio Morning News Department.
2008 – Academic Status of the Senior Lecturer on Chamber of a History of Journalism.
1997 – 2000 Ural State University, Postgraduate Department (Yekaterinburg, Russia). Diploma of the PhD in political sciences (kandidat nauk) received in December, 2001.
1999, July – Central European University (Budapest, Hungary). Summer University, Advanced Modern Journalism course (was granted with the certificate).
1995 – 1997 – Center of Foreign Languages Yekaterinburg (was granted with the certificate).
1995, March – University of Staffordshire (Stoke-on-Trent, England); Visiting Student of the Department of International Relations and Politics of the School of Social Sciences
1993 – 1994 – Ural State University (Yekaterinburg, Russia), Course of referents-translators at Faculty of Foreign Languages. Certificate confirms the qualification of the referent-translator of the scientific literature with the specialization in journalism in English language.
1990 – 1995 – Ural State University, Journalism Department (Yekaterinburg, Russia); Diploma – journalist qualification; graduation with distinction
1980 – 1990 – Secondary school (Novouralsk, Russia); graduation with a silver medal.
Selected publications
Bykov A. Modern foreign journalism. Yekaterinburg, 2003.
Book chapters
Bykov A. Journalism in the world of the communications / Under scientific edition by professor M.M.Kovaleva. Yekaterinburg, 2008.
1. Bykov A., Akiner N. Istanbul'daki Jon Turk Basını'nın Marksist Kalemi: Parvus Efendi"-"Marxist Pen Of Young Turk Press in Istanbul: Parvus Efendi" (статья) // Tercuman-i Ahval'in 150. Yilinda Istanbul'da Fikir Gazeteciligi (21-22 Ekim 2010). Istanbul, 2010. P. 61-77. ISBN: 978-975-404-885-8
2. Bykov A. Information essence of geopolitics //Kosmopolis, Autumn 2008, № 3 (22). P. 24-31.
3. Bykov A. Rozwój Rosyjskich Środków Masowego Komunikowania Na Tle Śwatowych Tendecji. Mało Znane Systemy Medialne / Pod redakcją Zbignieva Oniszczuka i Mariana Gieruli. Oficyna Wydawnicza “Humanitas” – Wyższa Szkola Humanitas. Sosnowiec. , 2007. S. 65 – 81.
4. Bykov A. Protecting National Interests in the Information Sphere: World Experience // Issues in Mass Communication: A non-Western Perpective. Antalya: Faculty of Communication, Akdeniz University. 14–16 March 2007. P. 12.
5. Bykov A. Structure of a mass communication in a context of sociopolitical transformations on the post-soviet space // Mass media and sociopolitical transformations on the post-soviet space. Saint Petersburg, 2006. P. 7-17.
6. Bykov A. The influence of globalisation processes on the development of mass media: global journalism experience // Journalism: Information space. - Krasnodar, 2002. P.18-22.
Symposium of Opinion Journalism in Istanbul 150th Anniversary of Tercuman-ı Ahval. 21-22 October, 2010. Istanbul University Faculty of Communication. Turkey.
Mass media in the modern world – Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia: April, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012.
Journalism in 1999. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia: February, 2000, 2010.
Journalism and education in the modern world – Ural State University, Ekaterinburg, Russia: March, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
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