August 13, 2011

PhD in Philology (kandidat nauk), Associate Professor (dotsent)

Member of the the Russian Geographical Society (questions of educational function of media)

Research Areas and Interests

media psychology;

psychology of personality;

creative activities of journalists;

moral and educational media; medical journalism;

public relations.


St. Petersburg State University: Faculty of Journalism (1988), Faculty of Psychology (1992)

2005г. – was graduated for the degree of PhD in Philology at the St-.Petersburg State University (PhD scientific research work (Dissertation): «Psychologism as a methodological component of journalistic creation (on the example of modern journals)»

Teaching responsibilities and master-classes

Theory and practice of mass media;

Media psychology;

Psychology and pedagogic in higher education school;

Psychology of mutual effect in media sphere;

Consulting in mass communications;

Basics of the creative activities of journalists.

Selected publications:


Consulting in public relations: educational and methodical publication. 2008, St.-Petersburg;

Public relations in banking and finance field: educational and methodical publication. 2008, St.-Petersburg;

Psychology of journalism: educational and methodical publication. 2008, St.-Petersburg (co-author);

Teambuilding in the internal communication system: educational and methodical publication. 2011, St.-Petersburg, North-West Institute of Management (co-author);

Network mass media of the russian metropolis. 2011, St.-Petersburg (co-author);

The theory and practice of public relations. Part II. Technologies, practices and techniques in the field of public relations: educational publication. 2012, St.-Petersburg,

North-West Institute of Management (co-author);

Theories of journalism in Russia: the genesis and development. 2012, St.-Petersburg, SPBU, (co-author);

Political journalism: educational publication. 2015, Moscow, Urait (co-author);

Psychology and pedagogy of higher education: educational publication. 2015, St.-Petersburg, North-West Institute of Management;

Communication technologies in the processes of political mobilization. 2016, Moscow, FLINTA, (co-author).

Papers and scientific journals

Does the world need a narration? // Vestnik SPBU. Series 9. Philology. Asian Studies. Journalism. St.-Petersburg, 2006. № 3.

The person in media space: historical contexts and the present // Vestnik SPBU. Series 9. Philology. Asian Studies. Journalism. St.-Petersburg, 2010. № 1.

The spiritual (moral) needs of the personality in contemporary media space // News of southern Federal University. Philological Sciences. Rostov-na-Donu, 2010. № 4.

Television and society: new forms of value aspect relationship with the media // Administrative Consulting. St.-Petersburg, North-West Institute of Management 2012. № 4, (co-author).

Interrelation state and church: new forms of communiсation // Scientific works North-West Institute of Management. St.-Petersburg, 2012. P. 3. № 1. URL:

Student and teacher at the Faculty of journalism: learn the psychology of interaction // Journalist. M,, 2014. № 3. URL:

Modern knowledge media text: popular and science representative of World // Scientific works North-West Institute of Management. St.-Petersburg, 2015. P. 6. № 5.

Dissertation (PhD scientific research work)

Psychologism as a methodological component of journalistic creation

Knowledge of foreign languages

German, English


socjur@mail. ru,

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